
The Positive Side of Medicine

Green Weight Loss Smoothie!

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This weight loss smoothie is a great tool you can use to see awesome weight loss results and it is perfect to get your day started off right, It provides you with so much energy that you will feel awesome inside and out.

green weight loss smoothie positivemed

This green weight loss smoothie is a great way to jumpstart a healthy diet, and you can add them into your family’s diet too, kids love them! This recipe is extremely easy to do, won’t take more than a few minutes. You can add any super-food you like and it won’t change the taste of the smoothies.
All you need is:

• Frozen peaches
• Frozen mango chunks
• Fresh banana
• Fresh orange juice
• Water
• Spinach
• 1 teaspoon raw maca powder
• 1 tablespoon chia seeds or flax seeds

Put all the ingredients in your blender, mix and serve! Take every morning before or instead of your breakfast!

You can also make smoothie bowel with the same ingredients, smoothie bowls are the same as smoothies with more texture because you are using the same ingredients but FROZEN!

chop the mangoes bananas and the peaches and store them in different zip locks in the freezer for at least 24 hours before you are planning to make your smoothie bowl. Even the spinach can be frozen in advance.

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