On Voting
Being part of a democracy, a government by and for the people, comes with certain rights and obligations. We have the right to vote, but
The Positive Side of Medicine
Being part of a democracy, a government by and for the people, comes with certain rights and obligations. We have the right to vote, but
Child maltreatment is a pervasive issue, with several subtypes recognized, including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, and neglect. While emotional abuse is acknowledged, it lacks
Although physical exercise is the most widely known method to increase the production of endorphins, there are several foods and other activities that can also
By Nima Shei MD, MS Chances are we have taken a prescription drug at some point in our lives. Nearly half of Americans take a
Another great poster showing what an ounce of something looks like, or a proper serving, again hands vary greatly in size so keep that in
A Ranking Of Comic-Con’s Best Geek Couture If funny is the new hot, then geek is the new chic – and these couture clad ladies
The Positive Side of Medicine