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Strawberry Banana Lime coconut Milk Smoothie

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Strawberry Banana Lime coconut Milk Smoothie

This recipe for a smoothie is perfect for many different situations, an on-the-go breakfast when you are running late, a sweet treat at the end of the night, or it can even be a perfect cocktail with some rum blended in, for a sunny afternoon. It is extremely easy to prepare, just mix all the ingredients in your blender

strawberry banana lime coconut milk smoothie

All you need is:

1 frozen banana
1 large handful fresh or frozen strawberries
1 can of coconut milk
Lime is optional

Enjoy the nutritive and healthy benefits of all the amazing ingredients in a perfect and tasty smoothie at any time of the day, and trust it will boost your energy to the roof!

Strawberry Banana Coconut Milk Smoothie

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