5 Foods That Can Make You More Attractive

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5 Foods That Can Make You More Attractive

The secret to outer beauty comes from the inside, focus on your inner health and the rest will follow. What if I tell you, you can eat your way to a prettier you? That there is a completely natural way to enhance your beauty?

The best part? You don’t need expensive skin creams, treatments, and lotions; all you need is probably in your kitchen cupboard. You can stop putting all those vitamins on your body and start putting them inside your body.

5 Foods That Can Make You More Attractive

1. Papaya

A higher intake of vitamin C is associated with decreased likelihood of wrinkled skin. Broccoli, brussel sprouts, citrus fruits, and bell peppers are also good sources of vitamin C.


2. Oysters

High doses of zinc are important for proper growth and development, it also helps promote great skin by boosting collagen production as well as wound healing.


3. Swiss chard

A high amount of biotin, a B-complex vitamin, has a beautifying effect on both hair and skin, it’s also high in vitamins A, K ,and C, the vitamins associated with overall anti-aging.


4. Salmon

A high intake of Omega 3 fatty acids helps lower cholesterol, shrink waist size, reduce risk of high blood pressure, and provides radiant, glowing skin. Omega 3s can also fight inflammation in the body and help your skin look younger and feel moisturized.


5. Brazil nuts

You only need small amounts of selenium to prevent a deficiency, selenium is a trace mineral essential to good health that provides powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants help prevent the formation of free radicals.

brazil nuts


Edited 7/30/14 SCD

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