
The Positive Side of Medicine

Baked Lemon, Thyme & Basil Black Mushrooms

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Baked Lemon, Thyme & Basil Black Mushrooms

This is a perfectly Idea for dinner that is healthy, delicious, and has an enticing aroma and flavor. It has the perfect flavor combination, beginning with the earthiness of the mushrooms and thyme, followed by the brightness of the lemon and the sharpness of the Parmesan.

All you need is:

• 1 lemon
• 1 tablespoon of thyme
• Half hand of basil
• 2 tablespoons of olive oil
• 1 pound of black mushrooms
• 4 tablespoons grated parmesan
• Salt & pepper

baked lemon and thyme mushrooms.

Begin by preheating the oven to 400F, and zest the lemon, saving the juice for later, mix together in a bowl the lemon zest, thyme, basil and enough olive oil to make it pourable. On a baking sheet place the mushrooms (clean and sliced) sprinkle them with half of the mixture and season with salt and pepper.
Bake for 10 minutes, adds Parmesan to top the mushrooms and return to oven for another 5 minutes. Drizzle some lemon juice and the rest of the mixture over the mushrooms and serve. It goes beautifully on toast, or mixed into some toasted bread rubbed with a clove of raw garlic, or try over a bed of creamy polenta.

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