My Mom My Hero- A Book Recommendation

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My Mom My Hero- A Book Recommendation

“My mom is my hero today and forever. It all began many years ago when I was born in Brooklyn. I was told that at a young age, I was either singing, dancing, or shedding tears. My moods were never in between. I was either happy or I was sad.
My mom recited a special poem to me when I was a child, a poem that I will never forget. Although my mom has no memory left since she has Alzheimer’s, it amazes me that she is still able to recite it.

There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very very good,
But when she was bad she was horrid.

More recently, I was sitting in a park and saw a little girl with blonde, curly hair playing with her mother. I watched as she hugged her mother tightly. She must have been around three years old. I wondered if I had also done that with my mom when I was that young. I have no memory of it at all, but what flashed into my head once again was the poem that she always said to me. It brought much warmth to my heart and filled me with special memories.

There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very very good,
But when she was bad she was horrid.”

~ Excerpted from My Mom My Hero: Alzheimer’s-A mother and daughter’s bittersweet journey

my mom my hero bookWhen Lisa Hirsch found out her mother, Ruth, had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, her love, appreciation, and caring for her mother was transformed. To Lisa’s surprise, it has brought her and Ruth closer together than they’ve ever been. My Mom My Hero tells the story of this mother-daughter relationship through a series of entries from Lisa’s internationally popular blog. Ultimately this is an uplifting and inspirational book for anyone who’s going through the difficult and often lonely ordeal of caring for a loved one who suffers from this devastating illness.

Here is the link to Amazon if you want to purchase the book:–daughters-bittersweet/dp/0615773982/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1363625113&sr=1-6&keywords=my+mom+my+hero

Praise for My Mom My Hero

“Lisa Hirsch has the remarkable ability to help people touched by Alzheimer’s see that the disease opens as well as closes doors. With humor, compassion, and insight, her observations remind us to stay open to the unex- pected gifts the experience brings. My Mom My Hero is filled with love and a deep appreciation for the human spirit. It’s a book to return to over and over.”
—Laura Stein, best-selling author

“People who are caring for a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s face not only the monumental day-to-day tasks of caregiving but also enormous emotional turmoil brought on by the unraveling of their relationship with a person so important to their life. With grace, humor, and empathy, Lisa Hirsch shows us how to live in the moment and savor the special, even sacred times we can still create with the people we care for, no matter how difficult the circumstances. This book is a rare gift for anyone who reads it.”
—Holly Robinson, author of Sleeping Tigers and The Wishing Hill

About the Author:
Ruthie-Lisa My Mom My HeroLisa Hirsch is a popular blogger with a worldwide audience. She had a long, successful career in the fashion industry and had numerous articles published in the US, the UK, and Canada. She lives in Manhattan with her husband and has one loving son. Please visit her blog at
Ten percent of profits earned will be donated to UsAgainstAlzheimer’s.

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