
The Positive Side of Medicine

4 Natural Remedies for Dark Spots!

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4 Natural Remedies for Dark Spots!

We have found for you, 4 natural home-made remedies for those unwanted dark spots on our skin, also called hyper-pigmentation, this is a common problem, quite often beginning in middle age. There are a variety of conditions and agents that can cause dark spots to develop.


1. Lemon Juice, honey and sugar.

Lemon juice bleaches the dark spots and the honey provides moisture to protect your skin from damage. Mix them together and dissolve sugar in it, then apply the paste directly to the affected area. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, then rinse off, do this once a day until desired effect takes place.

2. The power of fruit enzymes

Here are some ideas on different fruits that diminish the appearance of brown spots, pick a different one every day, apply for 15 minutes and rinse off. Mash strawberries and peeled apricots together to make a paste, pineapple juice and papaya or grind fresh parsley and mix with equal amounts of lime juice  and turmeric.

4 Natural Remedies for Dark Spots!

3. Veggies

Win the victory over brown spots with one of these remedies; combine them with ones before to see better results. Use onions and apple cider vinegar, leave on for 30 minutes, rinse, and repeat daily for 6 days or mash up 1/3 cup of canned or boiled chickpeas with a little bit of warm water to make a paste, apply and leave on for 30 minutes and rinse off.

4. Dairy

Apply sour milk or buttermilk to your brown spots with a cotton swab. Prepare a mixture of lime juice and organic yogurt, or combine milk with ground yellow mustard to make a thin paste. Leave for 20-30 minutes and rinse off.


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