
The Positive Side of Medicine

8 Uses for Peppermint Oil

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8 Uses for Peppermint Oil

One of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion is peppermint; it has a strong, clean, fresh, minty aroma.  Peppermint essential oil that is therapeutic grade, is highly concentrated and extremely powerful, imagine that just one drop of Young Living Peppermint oil is equivalent to 28 cups of tea, and here are some of its major uses:

1. Add a drop of peppermint essential oil to herbal tea to help aid normal digestion and to relieve heartburn.

2. Massage several drops of peppermint essential oil on the abdomen, inhale to soothe the minor stomach discomfort associated with travel.

3. Apply topically to your temples or neck, or put a drop on your tongue or in water to start your morning routine, try to do it prior to working out!

4. Diffuse peppermint essential oil mid-morning to curb desire to snack.


5. Apply Peppermint oil immediately to an injured area to relieve pain.

6. Rub several drops of Peppermint oil on the bottoms of feet to reduce fever.

7. Rub 4 drops of Peppermint oil on the chest and stomach to relieve travel sickness.

8. Place a drop of Peppermint oil on the tongue and inhale into the nose and sinuses to relieve congestion from a cold.

8 Uses for Peppermint Oil

These and many more benefits are known as peppermint oil benefits, also University of Kiel researchers found that peppermint oil reduces headaches and it is very effective in reducing emotional irritation, depression, and apathy!

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