
The Positive Side of Medicine

Thinking Too Much

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Thinking Too Much

I am a genius at worrying, I think I could get a doctorate in it. I think too much, I look for hidden nuances, I drive myself into a state of panic. For no reason.

I really believe worry is caused by a lack of faith, and lack of belief in oneself. When I really think, logically, about the things that worry me, I have to face what I myself think about that issue. I am usually not worried about what I think, I worry about what others think. Silly. I can’t change how another person will feel or believe, all I can do is be myself.

It is much easier to say,”I am giving this up to God,” than it is to actually do it. I have put my life and my problems in God’s hands more times than I can count, and yet I still find myself riddled with worry, which means I didn’t really give it up, I am still trying to control the outcomes of things myself, and honestly, I don’t always know what’s best for me.

Over the last year of changes I have prayed many times to get my life back, not stopping to realize that God is in charge, and He may have something totally different in mind for me. Coming to this realization gave me a great sense of peace and contentment with my life as it is. I do, however, still have a tendency to over-think and worry about new developments.

I am sharing all this because I know I am not the only one who worries too much, and who thinks too hard about relatively small things. The only way to achieve great change, or anything great, is to believe that it’s okay to trust, it’s okay to not know what will happen next, something greater than you has your best interests at heart. If it doesn’t end happily, it is not the end, and if you don’t take chances, and open yourself to possibilities, you may miss out on the greatest thing to ever happen. Love, peace, and hugs…

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