Just a few tips to keep us motivated…
If you are exercising outside in the cold please dress for the weather, in layers, and for comfort and ease of movement. Also if the air is so cold that it hurts to breathe, exercise inside today.
If you can’t find half an hour work out for ten minutes 3 times, or 6 minutes 5 times, make it work. The physical part is what matters.
You get a free day, if something happens, and you are super tired, or don’t feel well, have a migraine, or have a class play to go to, rest.
If you have ‘flu or a bad cold, please do the challenge another time, your body is under enough stress trying to get well.
Don’t forget your water! Water is essential to keeping all your systems on go, and for hydrating after a workout. If you are exercising outside, so you don’t sweat, you still need the water.
Have fun with it! Try something new, sometimes for my cardio I just turn on music and dance away, by myself, in my living room. If you have kids at home get them to do it with you.
The most important thing is to really try to get your body moving, every day, so that you get used to it and enjoy it. When you get used to it, your body will miss it’s play time, we are designed for movement.