
The Positive Side of Medicine

Amazing Benefits of Bananas

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Amazing Benefits of Bananas

Banana is a popular and tasty fruit with some fabulous health benefits, from boosting your mood to helping your digestion. Bananas contain enormous amounts of potassium (each average banana has around 400 mg of potassium) which is important in proper functioning of muscles and nerves system. Bananas are fat and cholesterol free and each banana contains around 110 calories. Interestingly in under-ripe bananas starch constitutes 80-90% of the carbohydrate content, which as the banana ripens changes into free sugars and that’s why it tastes sweeter. Banana contains fiber which can help you in digestion. Also it contains vitamins A and E. Check out this poster to learn more about some of these benefits:

Reference: 1: Hermansen K, Rasmussen O, Gregersen S, Larsen S. Influence of ripeness of banana on the blood glucose and insulin response in type 2 diabetic subjects. Diabet Med. 1992 Oct;9(8):739-43. PubMed PMID: 1395467.

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