
The Positive Side of Medicine

Baby Grabbing A Doctor’s Hand During C-Section

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Baby Grabbing A Doctor’s Hand During C-Section

It’s January 3rd and the coolest baby photo of the year is already out! A baby grabbing the doctor’s hand from inside the womb during a C-section. The photo is already going viral on Facebook after Alicia Atkins, the mother, posted it on Facebook earlier this week. Amazing, isn’t it?

Here is Alicia’s interview with a local news agency:

“We didn’t think we were going to get such positive feedback. We thought we would get more negative ‘that’s disgusting.’ [Instead] everybody just thought it was the best thing in the world.”

And here is Alicia’s caption of her Facebook photo:

I can FINALLY share this!!!!

This was 10 weeks ago when I was having my c-section and
Dr. Sawyer broke my water and my daughter reached up out of my stomach and grabbed the Dr.’s finger and my hubby caught this special moment.

Truly amazing.

I am in awe of this photo.

Something to remember forever.

Thank you for helping me deliver 3 of the most amazing wonderful gifts I could ever ask for. A Couple of miracle children.

You are truly an amazing Dr. and couldnt ask for a better one.

I had this printed for my OBGYN on a canvas.

And now that she’s gotten such overwhelming positive response, she added an extra note to her facebook page for fans:

I just want to give a quick shout out to everyone that has commented, shared, liked,and shown love to us over our daughters photo the past couple days. I tried to respond to everyone and then yesterday I couldnt. The photo has gone completely viral, worldwide, and as you can imagine, we are a little overwhelmed.

We appreciate all the psoitive feedback you all have given to us.

And thank you for supporting us throught this time.

We obviously didnt think it would ever be as huge as it is now.

We love every comment from everyone and I wish I could tell every one of you personally, thank you!

Please be patient with us if we dont get back to you right away as we still have our three children to take care of and our jobs as well. And of course our kids come first.

Thank you all again.

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