On the Go Salads

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On the Go Salads

On the Go Salads

Bringing lunch to work can feel like a chore, it requires planning, getting up early to pack your lunch or remembering to prepare it before you go to be. It needs to be portable and it needs to be exciting, but it also can’t be smelly (you can’t bring odors in the office), it is also difficult to sustain the practice.

This jar salad is here to solve all your lunchtime problems. It’s portable, healthy, easy to make and offers room for plenty of variety. It’s the perfect solution, and will become your best friend this summer. You can layer so many vegetables and grains in the jar, and mix and match so many different ingredients that you’ll never get bored.

Packing your salad in a jar is also an amazing way to solve the sagging salad problem. If you pack a pre-dressed salad for lunch chances are that the greens will be soggy by the time you’re ready to eat it. This amazing salad technique will prevent the greens from mixing with the dressing until your ready to eat it. All you have to do is put the salad dressing in the first layer of the jar and add the other layers on top of that.

Some popular jar salads are:

1- Greek Pasta Salad


Ingredients for this amazing greek salad in a jar are:
– Tomatoes
– Cucumbers
– Greek Olives
– Feta Cheese
– Pasta
– Onions
– Chives

2- Green Garden Salad

grren garden

3- Chicken & Spinach Salad

Chicken & Spinach

4- Chickpea Salad


5- Caprese Pasta Salad


6- Jar Salad with Lemon Garlic and Tahini Dressing


7- Sunny Kale

Sunny Kale

8- Chopped Taco Salad

Chopped Taco

– 1 lb ground turkey
– 1 can black beans, drained
– 1 packet taco seasoning
– 1 1/4 cups salsa
– 5 tablespoons of plain greek yogurt
– 1 quart cherry tomatoes halved
– 5 mini cucumber sliced
– 1 small to medium red onion, chopped
– 2 avocados, chopped
– Juice from half a Lime
– 11 ounce jar pickled jalapeños, drained and chopped
– 5 cups chopped romain lettuce


1. In a medium pan cook ground turkey until no longer pink. Add black beans, seasoning packet, and the amount of water stated in the seasoning packet directions. Let taco mixture cool.

2. Divide ingredients among jars starting with salsa then adding greek yogurt, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, jalapeños, avocados, taco meat, then lettuce. Place lid on and close tight.

3. When ready to eat, shake real good, then pour into a bowl and enjoy.

Most all of the Salads in the Jar are made with the same principle and method of eating.


Edited by: Ellie July 31st 2014

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