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This time of year many of us are thinking about New Year’s Resolutions, a tradition for people who are wanting to improve themselves in some way. We don’t have to wait until a special day to make a change, but a new year is so filled with promise and expectation it can be a good time to get the ball rolling.

The problem many of us have with making resolutions that we have too many, many of them are unrealistic, and we do not start with a plan. A goal without a plan is just a wish. If you want to be successful set small obtainable goals, and write them down.

An unobtainable goal is saying, for example, that you want to lose 80 pounds this year, whereas a more realistic goal might be losing 5-7 pounds a month, with a plan of how you hope to obtain that, for example, adding 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week, cutting down on sugar, eliminating fast food, etc. Another example is to quit smoking, write down a plan, such as I will cut down on the number of cigarettes a day, I will no longer smoke in the house, I will stop smoking in the car by February, I will have a plan for meeting cravings, etc. Many of us wish to be kinder and more compassionate, you can contact local organizations about volunteering so many hours a month, vow to deliver food to a food shelf, or crochet hats and scarves for poor children. One idea I had is to buy a pizza certificate for one family a month at the food shelter, or pizza and a movie, a fun family night for people who cannot afford that stuff.

Goal setting is what takes us to the next step, from point a to point b, never be scared to take the chance to improve yourself, and never stop loving the person you already are. You are a beautiful person already, new goals help us to grow as people and stay young in our hearts. Love peace & hugs…


Edited By: Ellie Aug 1st 14

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