Homemade (Non-Toxic!!) Fabric Softener

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Homemade (Non-Toxic!!) Fabric Softener

Homemade (Non-Toxic!!) Fabric Softener

I have tried vinegar and baking soda in my rinse cycle, this smells better and is environmentally friendly! My favorite kind of find 🙂

  • 3 cups warm water
  • 1.5 cups white vinegar
  • 1 cup natural conditioner (you could use non-natural conditioner too to save money)
  • essential oil (optional. I accidentally bought a conditioner that smelled terrible! But with some orange essential oil it smelled fantastic. Just add enough drops till you can smell it)

Directions: Pour all ingredients into a half gallon container and stir. Don’t shake or it will make an extreme mess! Add essential oils if desired and stir again!

To use: Add the same amount you would the store bought kind about 1/4 cup during the rinse cycle.

Edited By: Ellie Aug 4th 2012

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