Apple and apples
Today is the first anniversary of the death of Steve Jobs, he is still missed by so many, here is a tongue and cheek look
The Positive Side of Medicine
Today is the first anniversary of the death of Steve Jobs, he is still missed by so many, here is a tongue and cheek look
Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that
Hunter Doherty “Patch” Adams was born in the spring of 1945, in 1971 he founded the Gesundheit Institute (Gesundheit means “good health”) and changed the
This informative video shows different aspects of fast food industry and the main health concern, which is obesity. We now present you the
10 Unbelievable Tricks to Make the Perfect Smoothie 1. Keep it unique The smoothies available for purchase are not as healthy as what we can
For those of us who have been struck, often in the prime of life, with a chronic, invisible illness, the guilt we carry can be
The Positive Side of Medicine