Although chemical fertilizer conglomerates, giant agricultural companies and their fellow politicians claim that pesticides and genetically engineered foods are safe, it’s been shown that pesticides can adversely affect the nervous system, increase the risk of cancer, and decrease fertility. Let’s be honest: I personally buy 3-4 organic items, simply because I can’t afford to buy everything organics (organics are on average 50% more expensive here in the East Coast). The reason for the higher price of organics is that the government pays all sorts of incentives to conventional agriculture farmers and almost none to organic farmers. Despite the benefits of small farms, U.S. agricultural subsidies flow disproportionately to large farms. Why? Because these large agricultural companies pay the majority of the politicians campaign money! Now check out this infographic to learn more about organic and conventional produce. The last part that shows which items are more important to be organic is really important.
Brought to you by: MedicalBillingandCoding.org