
The Positive Side of Medicine

Berries Delay Memory Loss:

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Berries Delay Memory Loss:

A new study suggests that women who often eat berries -such as blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and other berry fruits- have less memory loss due to aging and their brain cells stay more healthy in several ways.

In the study by Harvard University on more than 16000 women over age 70, researches showed that women who had at least 2 servings of strawberry or 1 serving of blueberry had more than 2.5 years delay in the memory loss. The reason for these benefits is that berries contain enormous amounts of antioxidant which helps body to fight against free radicals. Also berries may alter the way, the neurons communicate with each other in synapses (junction of two neurons) and improves brain signaling and brain function in elderly.

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