The Myriad Joys of Moving… No Really

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The Myriad Joys of Moving… No Really

I think I am a chronic mover, I don’t know if I have some gypsy in my soul, if I like fresh starts, or if I am chronically unstable. Whatever the cause, I just am finishing my 10th move in 10 years. We moved a lot when I was a kid, mostly back and forth from Michigan to South Dakota, most of our family is in Michigan but my mom fell in love with the Black Hills and we moved here when I was in first grade. I married a Minnesota man and lived there for 13 years, but was ecstatic to come “home” to the Hills, it only took 7 years after the divorce.

I will be the first to admit that moving is a huge pain in the nether region, neck, shoulders, etc., especially now that I can’t life more than 25# and my son moved 2 states away, but I always start each new move with such hope. I love putting my things into a room, deciding what should go where, making a cleaning schedule, having everything so organized and so CLEAN!!

I think I am quite good at decorating on a budget, and making a house look like a home. It’s a knack, really, for being able to make things look cozy and comfortable, I inherited this from my mother, who always made every place we lived comfortable and pretty, my son has this same knack for clothes, he picks out mine when able and even my glasses, he just somehow wears jeans and tee shirts with a subtle difference from the way every other person wears them.

So I am all settled into my house, except for lack of a couch, mine was so old and broken we opted to let it retire peacefully rather than be forced into a new home. There is even a small room with a pellet stove that I have claimed as my personal space, filled with my books, a comfy reading chair, and my computer, will be doing all my writing from this little haven, my own personal “nerd cave.” I slept well the very first night here, which is unusual, and the home has a sense of peace and serenity I find very comforting.

I also like to rid myself of accumulated junk during a move, I got rid of two lawn and leaf bags full of clothes and my scrubs are stored as I am hoping to sell them, my new closet is still overflowing going down to less than half the size, I never feel like I have any clothes until I try to move them. I also grossly underestimate how much stuff I have, I had brought over several loads of what would fit in my car, last Sunday I had two friends with pickups, one small trailer, my teenage nephew and his friend, and a niece as helpers, we were stuffed to overflowing and I made 2 more trips with my car. Maybe if I didn’t have 5 book shelves full of books it would be easier, but I just can’t get rid of books, they are like old friends.

I love finding surprises when I move, forgotten favorite sweaters, old books that I love, old pictures that had been stuffed in a drawer, that kind of thing. My oldest niece is a senior in high school, I recently found a picture she drew for  me when she was so little she could not yet write her name, I have it hanging on my fridge, she has not been to the new house yet so I sent her a picture with my phone. I also have a solar powered clothes drying system, it harnesses the power of the sun and wind and makes your sheets smell like sweet dreams, yes, it’s a clothesline.

So I am as snug and happy as I can be in my new home, God never closes a door without opening a window and I remain ever so blessed.  If you’re ever in the neighborhood, stop by and see me, the sun tea is ready and the coffee is on.

About the author:
MamaSteph has 2 kids by birth and several by love, she is a nurse and enjoys finding healthier ways to make comfort foods, gardening, enjoying nature, and living life to the fullest…For a list of her blogs please click here.

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