Things I’ve Learned the Hard Way…

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Things I’ve Learned the Hard Way…

  • Find what you love to do, do it, do it well, repeat
  • Wherever you go, there you are
  • Always be yourself, no matter what
  • If you screw up raising your kids nothing else will ever matter very much
  • Speak of others when they are not there as you would like to be spoken of when you are absent
  • Determine your own self-worth, keep it high
  • Decide how you want your life to be, then do it
  • Every encounter, with every person, will leave an impression… make it a good one
  • Every encounter matters, every person matters, treat others with kind eyes and a kind heart
  • Love is too precious and rare to judge, just accept it
  • If you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see, change it
  • YOU are responsible for your own happiness
  • Life is not a novel, happy endings are not guaranteed, the journey is what matters, make it beautiful

~By: Stephanie Dawson

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