
The Positive Side of Medicine

What tea should you be drinking?

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What tea should you be drinking?

If you’re looking for a guide to learn what tea you should be drinking in different situations, then this poster is a good reference for you. I always store a variety of tea in my cabinet for different situations.

  • chamomile tea
  • green tea
  • chai tea
  • oolong tea
  • peppermint tea

Chamomile is one of the best teas in preventing infections, because of some antibacterial agents. Chamomile also contains glycine, a mild nerve relaxant and sedative.
You can use chamomile as a herbal tea (use tea bags or add the flowers to boiling water) or you can add it to your salads!
Enjoy the tea or salad two hours before going to bed and have a sound and peaceful snooze.

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