
The Positive Side of Medicine

11 reasons why you should drink more green tea

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[Last Updated: April 14th 2013]

11 reasons why you should drink more green tea:


  1. It is an excellent source of antioxidants
  2. It burns fat and enables you to exercise longer
  3. It prolongs your life
  4. It lowers stress bit boosts brain power
  5. It reduces high blood pressure
  6. It helps to protect your lungs from smoking
  7. It helps to protect your liver from alcohol
  8. It prevents tooth decay and cures bad breath
  9. It helps preserve and build bone
  10. It boosts your immunity against illnesses
  11. It rehydrates you better than water

green tea benefits

And here is another poster that shows why tea is an awesome drink:

why tea is magical

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