I love summer, the sweltering heat, the lazy days, ice cream with kids, days spent at the lake. Summer is also a great time to take advantage of sleeping in as it takes so much less time to get ready. Yes, it does. There are many summer activities that wreak havoc on moisture and dry out your hair, face, and skin so moisture is crucial, inside and out.
When you wake up splash cool water on your face right away, gently pat it (almost) dry, don’t rub! Apply a thick layer of moisturizer, preferably one with sunscreen. Now brush your teeth, comb your hair, and apply moisturizer again. Now go slip on something light and summery, and give your face a long hard look. If you absolutely must wear makeup, even in summer when it melts off, apply a tinted moisturizer now, if you are comfortable in your skin apply a little more under your eyes and on your cheeks, curl your eyelashes, and go… you can apply a bit of eye safe lubricant to the tips of your lashes, but you don’t need to, it’s all about looking fresh and natural, also a lip gloss or balm with sunscreen is essential to keep with you all day.
Sunscreen, we have all heard about it for years, and every year I see hundreds of people walking around bright cherry red moaning about their pain. Use the sunscreen! There are products on the market you can put on while still in the water and they work, there is no excuse, carry it with you.
For the summer I ditch my purse, I have a large, brightly colored tote bag instead so I am always prepared. I have sunscreen, insect repellent, a first aid kit, hair ties, and a book, in addition to my wallet and lip balm, also 2 pairs of sunglasses and my driving glasses, I always lose or break a few pairs of sunglasses every summer so I like to be prepared. I also keep my small notebook in there so it’s handy for writing quick notes, taking quick notes, or jotting down blogging ideas.
For your feet, treat yourself to a pedicure, paint your toes, moisturize a lot, and try to keep some of the dry cracks to a minimum.
Whatever conditioner you use, go one step heavier in the summer, as your hair will be dried out by the sun, wind, swimming, and even being in a ponytail often.
Drink your water! If you drink coffee, tea, or soda, plan on drinking at least 2 cups more of water for each cup of those, in addition to your 8 glasses a day. Have fun with your water, dress it up with fruit, herbs, cucumbers, whatever you wish. Slice whatever you are putting in there very thinly, and let it sit and chill thoroughly, 4 or 5 hours, before drinking. It is important to hydrate your skin from the inside out, there are also a lot of wonderful summery foods with high water content, like melons, tomatoes, cucumber, and lettuce.
Have a wonderful summer, stay cool, and keep it easy, the simpler your beauty routine, the more time you have for fun!
About the author:
MamaSteph has 2 kids by birth and several by love, she is a nurse and enjoys finding healthier ways to make comfort foods, gardening, enjoying nature, and living life to the fullest…For a list of her blogs please click here.