Adult Learning

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Adult Learning

Well, relatively speaking! It’s G-rated also, sorry for any disappointment that may incur. Now that my children are grown, a lot of my friend’s kids are grown as well, or old enough to be more independent, and it leaves us with unexpected time on our hands. At first I thought I would travel, catch up on my reading, write the book I always talked about, but now I am more realistic, I am catching up on my reading at least!

Learning new things is what keeps your mind active and young. I am now searching out lost arts and things I always thought were cool but didn’t have money or time for as a kid. I want to take guitar lessons, I was teaching myself once but found I was doing something wrong and never touched it again, I think it’s time. I don’t want to be a rock star (anymore!) but would like to be able to accompany myself in church or around a bonfire, or just for fun.

I would like to learn to crochet small things, like doilies and tablecloths, I can work with yarn but not with thread, I always thought my grandma would teach me but she passed away many years ago, should have started younger. In that same vein I would like to learn to knit, from a person, not from a book, makes no sense in a book. I also would like to try quilting, nothing fancy, no wall hangings, but a few pretty blankets would be nice, which reminds me, I need to learn to sew.

I think cake decorating would be fun, which I have done, I need to take time to practice. I think being able to make cakes for my grandchildren would be awesome, and fun. A gourmet cooking class would be loads of fun, or any cooking class really, just to learn some different techniques and things I have not thought of. I used to date a man who was a great cook and we cooked together, I loved it, I learned so much from him about food and wine, was a blast. I would also like to refresh my canning skills and start making more things from scratch and from the garden.

I would also like to learn how to make stained glass, I am not artistic per se, but I love pretty things, and have long wanted some stained glass art and been unable to afford it. I would also like to make my own shampoo, lotion, soap, and cleaning products.

I tried downhill skiing when I was younger, I was cold and fell down a lot, I was completely unimpressed, and cross country skiing I fear would be too hard on my back. I do, however, want to try snowshoeing, it looks like a bunch of fun.  I would also like to go fishing with my dad, I don’t think I have done that since I was 12 or 13.

Learning another language is always beneficial, and in today’s job market it can sometimes give you the needed edge to win the job. I think Spanish and American Sign Language are always a good bet.

This list of learning projects I came up with in less than a week, now I need to start one or two so I can work on a new list! Never stop learning, never stop growing, never stop reaching one rung higher.


About the author:
MamaSteph has 2 kids by birth and several by love, she is a nurse and enjoys finding healthier ways to make comfort foods, gardening, enjoying nature, and living life to the fullest…For a list of her blogs please click here.



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