Dear 16-year-old Me

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Dear 16-year-old Me

If you’re not among those 5.7 million people who watched this video in the past 365 days, please do it right now. Skin cancer is everywhere and it’s obviously bad. If you want to save a life, you need to educate yourself and others about skin cancer and show them how to detect it.

May is the skin cancer month! So here are some facts about skin cancer:
– Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer.
– Melanoma accounts for only 4 percent of all skin cancers in the USA, but is responsible for over 75 percent of skin cancer deaths.
– Every 8 min, someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with melanoma.
– When detected early, melanoma is highly curable.

So if you do a self-exam and care about the dots on your skin or the skin of your family and friends, you can easily diagnose any bad lesions; and remember that tanning is not the best activity to do in the summer.

If you want to learn more about sunscreens and how to protect against UV, click here.

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