My name is Sujatha. I’m from India,more precisely from South India. How I landed on Positive Med is a sweet story.
Few days ago, I published a post in my blog. It took nearly two months for me to write that post. Usually if I take more than a week to write a post, I’ll call it off. But somehow something made me stick on to this post. Also I had so many good signs while writing the blog. I’m a super believer in God. So I don’t believe anything be it signs,astrology or whatever. But this time around the signs were so evident, it was impossible for me to pooh-pooh it. I started having an intuition that I’m going to get something out of this post. And with the thought I published the post in the morning. I started checking my blogger dashboard every 20 minutes for comments. I didn’t get any comments like I thought. Monday morning when I opened my inbox, and there it was “my intuition/my expectation”, in the form of a mail from PositiveMed. They invited/gave me an opportunity to begin a positive journey in PositiveMed.

So here I’m embarking my journey accompanied by you all. While in this journey, I would like to learn a lot and share a lot. Today being our New Year, I thought I would start something good and so here I am. On this special day we make a dish that has 6 tastes(sweet,bitter, sour, pungent, astringent and salt) to symbolize that life is full of varied tastes. Likewise, I do have different traits but since starting this journey I wish to have only one trait “Be Positive”.
If you want to visit Sujatha’s blog, click here.