
The Positive Side of Medicine

Health Benefits of Sunflower Seeds

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Health Benefits of Sunflower Seeds

[Last updated: September 28th 2012]
Sunflower seeds are excellent source of vitamins B1, B5 and E. Vitamin E is a very important vitamin that acts as an antioxidants in our bodies and fights against free radicals. Therefore vitamin-E is considered as an anti-aging and immune-booster vitamin. More importantly women, specially pregnant and breast-feeding women need to have more intake of vitamin E. The good news is, only 50 grams of sunflower seeds kernel provides 100% of the recommended dietary allowance for vitamin E.

These seeds are a good source of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron and manganese.
Also sunflower seeds contain some amino acids, dietary fiber and linoleic acid (an essential fatty acid). Those who should limit their fat consumption can also benefit from sunflower seeds, because these seeds contain good fats and they also lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (good cholesterol).

You can enjoy your sunflower seeds kernels on breads or muffins for a breakfast with nutty flavor;
Or Sprinkle them on your salad; Or add them to yogurt for a delicious healthy snack. You can make sunflower seed butter with them or you can prepare some pesto with it. Keep calm and eat sunflower seeds!

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