Don’t Consume Garlic If You Have Any of These Conditions. It’s Very Dangerous!

Don't Consume Garlic If You Have Any of These Conditions. It's Very Dangerous!

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Raw garlic continues to be applied as a traditional remedy when it comes to the prevention and treatment of various health concerns the world over. Hypertension, coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, reduced blood flow caused by narrowed arteries, heart attack, and atherosclerosis are only a few of such concerns. As such, it is quite obvious that garlic is among the most beneficial foods, not to mention healthiest. But is it always safe to consume garlic?

Allicin is the active compound found in garlic. This compound lowers blood pressure by using a mechanism similar to that employed by blood pressure drugs such as ACE inhibitors. According to experts, garlic helps the relaxation of blood vessels by preventing the creation of a hormone known as angiotensin II. Garlic is also quite useful and efficient when it comes to controlling LDL cholesterol.

Not only does garlic add flavor to foods, but it is also useful as a natural health remedy for a wide variety of medical conditions. Incredibly, garlic is also among the best immune-boosting foods available today. A recent study found that those who consume garlic on a daily basis reduce their chances of catching flu and colds by a staggering 63%. Garlic oil, which most people prepare for personal use, helps to speed up treatment when it comes to ear infections. This oil also comes in handy for the treatment of stubborn Staph infections.

Consumption of raw garlic can lead to heartburn, bad breath, nausea, gas, lingering pungent tastes, and undesirable body odors. However, each of these potential effects depends on individual body chemistry. As such, you should consider moderation and remember to exert extreme caution when consuming garlic. Regardless of the benefits it offers, the consumption of garlic can prove perilous in some cases including:

When combined with anticoagulant drugs: Garlic works a natural anticoagulant, which means it is excellent for treating blood circulation issues due to its ability to make blood more fluid. The enhanced fluidity of blood prevents clots, heart-attack-causing blood clots, stroke, and thrombosis among others. When combined with anticoagulant drugs, the consumption of garlic can cause too much blood fluidity, which usually leads to unnecessary and excessive bleeding.

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When combined with several types of medication: Be very careful and ensure you consult a doctor before you consume garlic if you are on any other medication. Garlic has the ability to enhance the effects of many different drugs, which might cause more problems than solutions.

If you have a liver problem: According to experts, anyone suffering from liver complications should not consume garlic. Consumption of garlic might limit your liver’s breakdown of some drugs or reduce the effectiveness of the medication you take for your liver problems. All types of medicines, particularly birth control drugs, are prone to adverse interactions with garlic regardless of the form ingested.

If you have a sensitive stomach: Avoid the consumption of garlic if your stomach is sensitive. Ingesting either too much garlic or onions might irritate or aggravate your gastrointestinal tract. When taken together with stomach medications, garlic can also lead to some gastrointestinal counter-indications.

During pregnancy: Every pregnant woman has to avoid the consumption of garlic. Although ingesting moderate amounts of raw garlic while pregnant is generally considered safe, it might prove inadvisable. Women should also refrain from eating raw garlic during the entire breastfeeding duration regardless of whether it is in medicinal or therapeutic amounts.

Hypotension: Refrain from eating garlic if you already have low blood pressure, or you fall within the average range of blood pressure. In such cases, you might enhance the possibility of lowering your own blood pressure to a range that is even lower than it was initially. However, experts recommend sparing intakes of garlic in moderate amounts. Because knowledge of how much you can safely handle can only be until you are rushing to the hospital, it might be a better idea to avoid it all the same.

According to research, although garlic is quite beneficial, it also comes with some almost unforeseeable risk factors. For instance, you can never be too sure about your range of blood pressure if you fall within the normal range. In this case, the consumption of garlic can prove quite perilous. It is, therefore, imperative to seek a doctor’s advice and guidance before you include garlic in your daily diet.

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