Cool Your Burn With This Homemade Sunburn Relief!

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Cool Your Burn With This Homemade Sunburn Relief!

Cool Your Burn With This Homemade Sunburn Relief!

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The time of year has finally come where we get to trade in our boots for flip flops. Summertime is all about vacations, swimming and relaxing on the beach, playing sand volleyball and just enjoying the beautiful weather. Unfortunately, all that outside play also means summer brings sunburns. With so many different options on the market to treat sunburns, it’s easy to get confused by what the best treatment is. If you have ever been a victim of the sun, you know the two most important things when treating one is time and effectiveness. So what really is the best product for a quick relief?

Cool Your Burn With This Homemade Sunburn Relief!

Relief is Here!

The answer is none of them! You can make your own treatment at home for less than the cost of top name brands with immediate and lasting relief. It’s easy to make with simple ingredients you’d be able to find at just about any grocery store or corner drug store. There aren’t a lot of utensils needed either, just a hand mixer and a container for storage. It uses just 3 ingredients which have been proven to heal. Plus, this homemade option cuts out all the hidden ingredients in store bought lotions, like the –oxides and –benzines.

Why Does It Work?

Coconut oil contains many well known components that are helpful for skin care. Vitamin E, multiple fatty acids and proteins are all abundant in coconut oil. Your skin is dependent on Vitamin E for repairing itself from cracks, tears, and dryness. The fatty acids and proteins contain moisturizing elements and protection from additional harm. This is essential when curing a sunburn.

Aloe Vera has been used for centuries to treat skin ailments and other illnesses as well.


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It’s smooth gel-like consistency is a key moisturizing ingredient in a vast number of name brand lotions. It also has antioxidants, which aid the body in healing.

Raw Honey is a necessary ingredient because of its antibacterial qualities. Burns can quickly become infected, which leads to illness and scarring. This is especially essentially in sunburn treatment. The sun can only burn the parts of our body that we leave exposed, so chances are the areas that were burned are ones that are exposed often including arms, face, and legs. Scarring on these areas of the body could be emotionally damaging.

The Exact Recipe
So you’re probably sold on the idea by now. In order to make this, gather:

¼ cup of RAW honey
1 tablespoon Coconut Oil
1 tablespoon Aloe Vera

You’ll also need a hand mixer or a whisk in order to blend the ingredients together well and a Mason jar or other container to hold the final product.

To make:

  • Plop all 3 ingredients in a bowl and blend together with the hand mixer or whisk until completely mixed.
  • Clean your sunburn
  • Apply the homemade lotion to the sunburn and cover with a bandage or clean gauze.
  • Store in the Mason jar, room temperature- do not freeze or refrigerate, coconut oil and honey tend to harden.

Quick & Immediate Relief!

You can expect immediate relief from the burning and itching sensation. You can also expect your burn to heal faster, in some cases as soon as a day or two. Summer is supposed to be a time of fun and enjoying the weather. With this quick recipe, you’ll be prepared for even the most uncomfortable effects of the summer sun.

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