4 Tips to Shift Good Lovemaking to Unforgettable

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4 Tips to Shift Good Lovemaking to Unforgettable

4 Tips to Shift Good Lovemaking to Unforgettable

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“Honeymoon wedding consummation” is almost always enjoyable at first, but sometimes the relations grow stale over the years. Some couples experience physical contact that they label as “good,” but it is not “great.” If you are someone who is wondering how to turn your good deeds into great deeds, then these four tips are just for you:

4 Tips to Shift Good Lovemaking to Unforgettable

Tips for Men

1. Speak Instead of Grunting

Communication is the most important element of connecting with another human being. Women are wired a bit differently than men are when it comes to doing the deed. You must understand that the emotional output satisfies women much more than that of machismo, physical attributes, stamina or what have you. Your woman wants to hear that you love, treasure, respect and adore her. She wants to know that you care about her goals and desires. Try to talk to her about her day or find out what interests her before you start grunting and placing demands on her.

2. Slow Down

The time that you share with your loved one is not supposed to be a drag race. You might get to the finish line quickly, but you and your partner will end up losing in the end. Physical contact can be so much more enjoyable for both of you if you slow down, admire what you have, and discover and explore one another. You might fall upon some new areas that you never knew could make your wife quiver.

3. Ask Her What She Likes and Wants

McDonald’s doesn’t automatically hand you everything that you dreamed of when you pull up to the drive-through, does it? No. The order taker asks you what you want, you speak it into the little box, and then you receive a pleasant experience (hopefully). The situation can apply to your wife. Ask her what she wants and likes, and then you can deliver it to her. Don’t assume that every woman wants a happy meal, because your wife may want a McFlurry.

4. Hold Her Before and After

Women still like to be comforted by the big strong arms of their “protectors.” Spend some time holding her and letting her know that you think of her in a loving manner.

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Tips for Women

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1. Let Him Be a Man

Many men still love to play the man’s role. They love to chase, provide and protect. It’s okay to let your husband chase you a little bit, and it’s more than okay for you to be a little dainty damsel. Let him lead the way all the way to the bedroom. It will give him the dose of “conquering” that he needs.

2. Mix It Up

Men are always going to be visual creatures, and they are always going to like looking at a variety of women. You can improve your romantic life by mixing it up a bit with your dress, hairstyle, makeup and so forth. You do not have to look like a model or a naughty girl to pull this one off. Just randomly change something visual every now and again and watch him marvel at the “new girl.”

3. Compliment Him

Negativity can deflate a man faster than a unsubmissive woman can. Males have huge egos, and they fondly appreciate periodic stroking from their wives. Let him know what his good points are in the bedroom and out of the bedroom. Share with him the things that he does in the bedroom that are pleasing to you. He will be more likely to spend time doing the things that you like in bed, and less likely to just “go for his” because he doesn’t feel that he’s pleasing you anyway.

4. Smile at Him

A beautiful smile wields a lot of power. It is contagious and attractive. It can add some spice to your love life and incite a session. Try it. It only takes a second.

Great Deeds In a Nutshell

The long and short of it is that relationships have to go beyond surface physical satisfaction to be “great” and last any significant amount of time. The two of you have to became one, which requires you to get to know each other on an emotional and spiritual level.


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