
The Positive Side of Medicine

Having an Active Love Life? – Beware of This Silent Killer

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Having an Active Love Life? - Beware of This Silent Killer

Having an Active Love Life? – Beware of This Silent Killer

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While having an active love life is no crime, it can pose serious health risks to your body, even if you are not realizing it. Certain diseases can be contracted during an love relationship that can slowly cause your body to shut down, and can ultimately cause death. It is crucial to know how to keep yourself safe from these viruses and keep yourself protected and healthy, as to not continue to spread them to other people.


HIV in particular is a virus that slowly attacks the body’s natural defense against illness, also known as the immune system. People who contract HIV fhave a difficult time fighting off diseases and infections. HIV destroys the T-helper cell, which is a type of white blood cell, and duplicates itself inside them.

HIV is the abbreviation for human immunodeficiency virus. If HIV is not treated, it can turn into AIDS in about a decade. However, if diagnosed early and treatment is available, people who have contracted HIV can live and healthy and normal life.

There are several strains of HIV, and an infected person may carry several strains of the virus. The strains are classified into types, including different groups and subtypes. The two main groups of HIV are HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the most common type of HIV, while HIV-2 is mostly found in West Africa, India, and Europe.

HIV is found in bodily fluids, which is where having an active love life comes into play. HIV is found in blood, semen, anal fluids, breast milk, and vaginal fluids. However, it is not present in saliva, urine, or sweat.

RELATED ARTICLE: Common Symptoms for Each Stage of HIV

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According to statistics, the most common way for HIV to be transmitted is through unprotected lovemaking. HIV can also be transmitted through infected needles, blood transmissions, infected syringes, or from a mother to a child during the birthing process.

While many people believe that they are free from this silent killer, as is their partner, it is important to get tested to ensure that this is true. There may be no way of knowing that you are infected with HIV without getting a test. It is also important to use protection while closeness with people who you may not know very well.

It is possible to get the HIV virus through needles, whether during drug use or while receiving a tattoo. It is important to go to reputable tattoo parlors if you are choosing to get a tattoo, and to avoid intravenous drugs altogether. Sharing needles with someone who you are unsure of their health history poses a health risk to yourself, which can ultimately lead to death.

There is no cure for HIV. However, people suffering from HIV are able to live long and healthy lives. It is important, however, to take treatment seriously and treat yourself correctly and as instructed, as HIV may turn into AIDS. AIDS is the acronym for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It is also called advanced HIV, or alternatively, late-stage HIV. Because this is an immunosupressant disease, it can easily lead to other diseases that will further hurt your health. Once infected with HIV or AIDS, one has to be very careful of contracting other diseases that may ultimately lead to death if their bodies are not strong enough to fight off.

Someone with AIDS may develop a wide range of other health conditions including: pneumonia, fungal infections, and tuberculosis. There is also an increased risk of developing other life-limiting conditions, including cancer and brain illnesses.

It is very important to always be aware of your own health as well as the health of your partners and the people who you are close to. Take these precautions to protect yourself from silent killers and stop the spread of HIV.

Practicing unsafe encounters is not worth the risk of contracting this silent killer. Know the risks and the protections in order to keep yourself healthy.

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