This Amish Recipe Reduces Cholesterol And High Blood Pressure Almost Immediately

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This Amish Recipe Reduces Cholesterol And High Blood Pressure Almost Immediately

This Amish Recipe Reduces Cholesterol And High Blood Pressure Almost Immediately

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The Amish people mainly live in Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania in the United States. The Amish’s culture is well known for its affinity for natural remedies believing in alternative medicine instead of Western medicine. Their knowledge of natural medicines is derived from medicinal herbs and plants taken from Agrarian culture. The Amish through their alternative medicine is able to treat simple health problems using natural substances. In cases in which the natural herbs and vitamins do not work the Amish seek medical attention.

High Blood Pressure

The recipe’s drink’s ingredients are powerful and are the perfect therapy for cholesterol and high blood pressure. All of the ingredients in the drink are well known for having rich nutrients that produce benefits for the heart. The ingredients can be found in any grocery store making it accessible for everybody.

Honey is rich in nutrients such as calcium, potassium, sodium, and vitamin B’s. These nutrients fight cholesterol by preventing the cholesterol from leaving the blood and moving into the blood vessels.

Garlic has been known for having herbal and medicinal benefits. Those who are given garlic supplementation have demonstrated to experience a significant reduction in their blood pressure levels.

Ginger contains an enzyme that gets activated to improve the synthesis of cholesterol.

Apple cider vinegar works by balancing the body’s pH levels and normalizing them. Fresh lemon juice is helpful for those who suffer from hypertension. Lemon helps reduce blood pressure by softening blood vessels and increasing flexibility. In addition, to all of the benefits these ingredients have in reducing cholesterol, hypertension, and high blood pressure, they offer many other health benefits.

Amish Recipe Ingredients:

15 grams of honey
1 clove of grated garlic
1 piece grated fresh ginger
1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon of lemon juice

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How to Prepare:
All of the ingredients should be mixed together in a blender. The mixture should be blended and then kept in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

How to Consume:
The best results are achieved by drinking it before breakfast and dinner.

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For How Long:
It should be taken 3 times a day with results showing in about a week. No more than 3 drinks should be consumed per day.

The Amish drink recipe is prepared using natural ingredients that have powerful benefits. Each of the ingredients contributes to improving one’s heart health. Apple cider vinegar, garlic, ginger, honey, and lemon juice help in reducing hypertension, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

Cholesterol, hypertension, and high blood pressure are all conditions that are concerning to one’s heart’s health. The heart is an important organ that needs to be cared for. Natural remedies are the best for the body with proven results. These ingredients are ingredients that can easily be found in one’s kitchen that can only produce positive results. Consuming these ingredients cannot be harmful to one’s health.

Doctors usually prescribe medication to help address heart problems. However, doctors do recommend natural remedies to lower heart disease. There is a ton of evidence that an adequate diet is a big factor. Using natural ingredients to address heart problems can be a legitimate cure. With that being said, the natural ingredients in this recipe are worth trying out.


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