How Much Water Do You Need To Drink Daily, Based on Your Weight?

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How Much Water Do You Need To Drink Daily, Based on Your Weight?

How Much Water Do You Need To Drink Daily, Based on Your Weight?

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Making water consumption a part of your normal routine is necessary for good health. Luckily, it’s also a simple habit to build.

The amount of water your body needs is impacted by several factors. Researchers from The Slender Kitchen have developed an equation to make it easier to determine how much water you really need on a daily basis.

Consider the following questions:

1) What is your body weight? An easy equation to consider is to take your weight and multiply it by sixty-seven percent, or two-thirds to determine the number of ounces you should be consuming daily. For example, to maintain proper hydration levels, a one hundred pound woman should be drinking sixty-seven fluid ounces of water every day.

2) What is your activity level? Vigorous exercise increases perspiration rates and breathing intensity, shedding more water. Add twelve ounces to your daily intake requirement for every thirty minutes of exercise. It is also critically important to take in water before, during and after your workouts.

3) What is your environment like? If you’re exposed to hot, dry conditions, you will need to replace the water lost in perspiration and skin surface evaporation. If you live in a cold climate, exposure to dry heat in buildings during winter months can also sap your body of water.

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Consuming this much water may seem a daunting requirement. However, if taking in that much water, seems impossible, the Mayo Clinic encourages exchanging the word “water” with “fluid.” Non-caffeinated, low-calorie beverages before, during and after meals can help you consume the necessary fluids to keep your body hydrated and functioning at peak levels.

Water comprises approximately sixty percent of your body weight. It removes toxins from vital organs, carries necessary nutrients to all portions of your body, and keeps your ear, nose and throat tissues moist.

Not consuming enough water limits your bodies ability to shed toxins and carry nutrients. It can lead to serious health complications, and even mild dehydration will drain you of energy and leave you feeling exhausted.

Getting enough fluid can be simplified by working it into your daily routine. If you keep a coffee cup at your desk, be sure to also keep a cup for a non-caffeinated, low calorie beverage. You may need to bargain with yourself; no more coffee until you’ve finished your other beverage, for example, but having water at hand will make it easier to include it in your daily activities. As possible, keep water with you during your workouts so you can stay hydrated


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