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3 Unhealthy Habits That Cause Bloated Stomach

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3 Unhealthy Habits That Cause Bloated Stomach

3 Unhealthy Habits That Cause Bloated Stomach

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A number of behaviors can cause gas, bloating, and acid reflux. You know how uncomfortable bloating and gas can be. Nearly everyone has experienced bloating and gas pressure at some point in their lives. Acid reflux is not as common as bloating and gas and not everyone experiences reflux. There are three behaviors that can increase the chances of you experiencing bloating, gas and reflux. If you avoid these behaviors, you should have a reduction in abdominal discomfort.

3 Unhealthy Habits That Cause Bloated Stomach

1. Undigested Food.

Undigested foods frequently cause intestinal gas. Foods can remain undigested for several reasons. If you have gluten or lactose intolerance, foods with gluten or dairy products will be hard for your body to digest, causing gas.

If your stomach does not contain the proper intestinal bacteria, it will not be able to digest food appropriately. This condition may be caused by poorly absorbed carbohydrates, antibiotics or medications. Sometimes these same poorly absorbed substances also cause constipation, which also causes gas, bloating and abdominal discomfort.



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2. Foods that Cause Bloating and Gas

Several foods are famous, or rather infamous, for causing bloating and gas. They may also provoke a session of acid reflux, which is when stomach acid comes up through the esophagus and causes heartburn.

Gas forming foods include fatty foods. Fatty foods are hard to digest, so they stay in the intestinal system longer, causing an uncomfortable sensation of being overly full. Fatty foods also cause intestinal gas and a buildup of gasses in the intestines. Any fried food or other high fat food can be the culprit of gas and bloating. High fiber foods can also be a cause of intestinal distress. Some of the major foods that cause reflux, gas, and bloating are:

• Vegetables

• Fruit.

• Onions.

• Tomatoes.

• Dairy products.

• Whole grains.

3. Specific Behaviors that Cause Bloating, Gas, and Reflux.

Chewing gum and sucking on hard candy causes excess air to be taken into the stomach, causing gas. As you might suspect, drinking carbonated beverages adds air to the intestinal tract. Surprisingly, inhaling while smoking also adds air to your digestive system and causes gas and bloating.

Avoid the food or behaviors that make your gas and bloating worse. Take over-the-counter medications for reflux. If the symptoms persist or get worse, check with your doctor. Gas, reflux and bloating can be signs of more serious intestinal problems.


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