When You See How Easy It Is To Relive Your Back Pain Without Leaving Your Couch It Will Change Your Life!

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When You See How Easy It Is To Relive Your Back Pain Without Leaving Your Couch It Will Change Your Life!

When You See How Easy It Is To Relive Your Back Pain Without Leaving Your Couch It Will Change Your Life!

Back pain is not only uncomfortable, but also annoying especially to people who experience it on a daily basis. This pain can be caused by a number or reasons from genetics to injury. If you are suffering from back pain then you should know you can relieve the same without leaving your couch. The following are simple exercises you can do to relieve back pain while on your couch.

When You See How Easy It Is To Relive Your Back Pain Without Leaving Your Couch It Will Change Your Life

Lower back pain
To relieve lower back pain, begin by sitting forward in your chair. Grab the back of your thigh after bringing one knee to your chest. The thigh should be then pulled gently towards your body and held for half a minute. Follow by slowly raising the leg and gently lowering it. Repeat the same motion using the other leg.

Lower back pain.

Shoulder pain
The shoulders should be brought towards your ears after taking a deep breath. Hold the pose for approximately 3 seconds, then exhale while releasing the shoulder. The movement should be done for ten or more times to be effective.

Shoulder pain

Chest muscle pain
To relieve this kind of pain, begin by placing your hands on the back of your head. This should be done in a fashion whereby the elbows will be wing-shaped. Move your elbows toward the wall and try to squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold the position for about half a minute and finish by slowly returning the shoulders to the starting position. Repeat the movement at least ten times.

Chest muscle pain

Glute pain
Start by sitting forward in your chair. Now place the right ankle on the left knee then lean forward. As you lean forward, you will feel a stretch in the glutes. Avoid pushing too hard. Hold the position for a minimum of thirty seconds before sitting back up slowly. The movement should be repeated using the other leg.

Glute pain

Upper/middle back pain
Hug yourself while placing the left hand on your right shoulder and your right hand on your left shoulder. Take a deep breath and hold it in for at least thirty seconds before you slowly release. The movement should be repeated more than ten times for maximum effect.

Middle upper back pain

Neck pain
With your back straight and feet planted firmly on the ground, sit forward in your couch. Tilt you head to one side while bringing an ear to your shoulder. Hold the position for about half a minute and bring the head back to its original position. Repeat the same motion using the other side.

Neck pain

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