8 Home Remedies For Asthma Symptoms

8 Home Remedies For Asthma Symptoms

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Asthma is a common health problem for more people all the time. Often asthmatics depend on medications to treat their symptoms, but following a healthy routine can help you ease symptoms with less medication. Try the following home remedies and see if you can reduce the number and severity of your attacks:

8 Home Remedies For Asthma Symptoms

• Use an Air Conditioner

Air conditioners reduce the amount of pollen that comes from trees, grasses, and weeds and make their way into your home. A/C eliminates humidity and reduces dust mites. If you don’t have an air conditioner you should try to keep your windows and doors closed during pollen season.

• Breathe

Breathing is vital during an asthma attack. Try not to panic. Close your eyes and inhale slowly. Visualize your lungs as you inhale and feel your breathing. Do this three times then open your eyes. Try having a cup of coffee, caffeine is chemically related to the standard asthma medication theophylline, it opens airways, and the heat is soothing to your throat.

• Ginger

A recent study shows that ginger is linked to improved asthma symptoms. It reduces inflammation, and asthma is an inflammatory disease. The study didn’t prove that it’s actually good for your lungs, Anju Peters, MD, Associate Professor in the Division of Allergies at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, and an allergy and asthma specialist in the division of allergy/immunology at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, warns about inferring too much into this until more studies have been done.

• Omega-3s

Omega-3 fatty acids that are often used to treat and prevent heart disease can help treat asthma. Research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids decrease airway inflammation and boost lung function. “There is some literature to say that [fish oil] supplements may also be beneficial in people with asthma, but as of right now, more research needs to be done,” Peters cautions.

• Turmeric

Turmeric has anti-allergen properties, it affects histamines that cause inflammation, more research needs to be done to back this fact, however.

• Regular exercise

Exercise is a vital factor in asthma. Some may believe that people with asthma should go easy but that is not so. Regular exercise makes your heart and lungs stronger and healthier. Healthier lungs perform better and can help reduce symptoms of asthma. Make sure to cover your face in colder temperatures to warm the air you breathe if you exercise outside.

• Fruits and vegetables

A healthy diet can help almost every disease, for asthma and a healthy lifestyle. Eat foods that have protective nutrients (antioxidants) that help boost the immune system. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

• Eucalyptus oil

Pure eucalyptus oil is effective for the treatment of asthma due to its decongestant properties. Research shows the oil contains the chemical eucalyptol that can break up mucus. Just spray some oil on a paper towel, tissue, or handkerchief, and keep it near your head so that you breathe in the aroma. You can also place a few drops in a bowl of boiling water and breathe in the steam. Take deep breaths for better, faster results.

To treat asthma it is important to know what triggers your attacks and try to avoid them. Prevent mold spores, clean your home regularly, cover your nose when its cold outside, and avoid contact with furry animals are a few more common ones. Maintaining a healthy weight is also important to stay healthy, being under or over is harder on every body system.

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