Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure You Never Knew About

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Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure You Never Knew About

Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure You Never Knew About


Most people are aware of the problems associated with high blood pressure. However, a lot of people aren’t aware of the more serious symptoms. If your blood pressure is slightly high, you may not realize it.

Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure You Never Knew About

If it’s extremely high, you may experience one of more of these symptoms:

Numbing sensations
Poor circulation
Impaired vision
Dizzy spells or lightheadedness
Breathing problems
Blood in urine
Pounding in neck and ears

high blood pressure chart

Here’s how to learn more about High Blood Pressure Symptoms.

If you experience any of these symptoms, see a doctor immediately. It’s important to get the problem diagnosed so the doctor can prescribe the necessary treatment. Hawthorne, potassium, and Omega-3 supplements can help to lower high blood pressure. You should discuss supplements with your doctor.

The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension or the DASH diet is a natural approach to treating high blood pressure and staying healthy. Recent studies show that some patients can control their high blood pressure by natural means along with prescription medications.

Natural methods include:

Making healthy food choices
Cutting down on sodium intake
Moderate exercise

Another clinical study showed that people who reduce their sodium intake can maintain a lower blood pressure, but it’s even more effective if they follow the DASH diet plan.
DASH Diet.

The DASH diet includes:

Fresh fruits and vegetables
Low-fat dairy foods
Cutting back on fatty and high cholesterol foods
Increasing whole grains, nuts, poultry, and fish

Even though healthier diet choices and reducing sodium intake work well for some people, there are others who still require prescription medication to control their blood pressure. Research is being conducted on more effective ways of managing high blood pressure with a combination of medications, healthier eating habits, and moderate exercise. You should discuss medications you currently take with your health practitioner to see if new blood pressure medications may be a good option for you.

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