
The Positive Side of Medicine

Kettelbell Circuit (Swing Yourself Into Shape)

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Kettelbell Circuit (Swing Yourself Into Shape)

Kettelbell Circuit (Swing Yourself Into Shape)

The Kettelbell is a heavy cast-iron ball; it’s a different kind of training using dynamic moves targeting almost every aspect of fitness, endurance, strength, balance, agility and cardio.


By doing this very trendy workout you will gain enormous strength; also getting a fantastic cardio workout.

Research has shown that by using a Kettelbell you can burn 40-50 percent more calories than a typical strength training session. Everybody loves it because it’s challenging, efficient and you only need one peace of equipment!

So let’s start getting into the swing of things and swing ourselves strong, lean and healthy!

The video below will show you how to do a “Total Body Kettlebell Routine”:

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