What a High Protein Diet Can and Can’t Do For You?

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What a High Protein Diet Can and Can't Do For You?

What a High Protein Diet Can and Can’t Do For You?

There are many options available for people who want to lose fat, a high-protein diet is one option. A high-protein diet can help people lose excess fat, studies show that appetite and caloric intake can be better controlled a high-protein diet. Many think that high-protein is a good option only for bodybuilders and marathoners, but that is not true, high-protein diets build muscle and optimize body composition and help curb hunger, enhance satiety, and thus result in weight loss. Whether one wants to maintain or lose weight, a high-protein diet can work wonders toward achieving your goals.

Diets with 30% of calories from protein are considered reasonable, for a diet to be considered high-protein it should contain at least 50% protein.

Blood fats can be reduced by diets that are higher in protein and moderate in carbohydrates, though this works best if one includes regular exercise.

The exact reason for lower appetites from a high-protein diet is not clear, experts think that it may be because protein causes the brain to receive lower levels of appetite-stimulating hormones. Sugar levels fluctuate less due to fewer insulin spikes, therefore fewer cravings.

What a High Protein Diet Can and Can't Do For You?

Studies show that protein may be a better option than fats or carbohydrates to satisfy hunger. For example, in one study people were put on a diet in which carbohydrates made up 50% of diet, protein was increased to 30% and fat was reduced to 20%. The results showed the people were less hungry, more satisfied, and lost weight as well.

Protein is important at all stages of life and is a major component of all cells including muscle and bone. Protein helps in growth, development, and developing immunity to fight off infections and protect the body.


Protein intake for a normal healthy adult should be between 10 – 35% of total calories.
If someone starts a high-protein diet and reduces carbohydrate intake, make sure the diet they are following is a low-carbohydrate diet, not a no-carbohydrate diet. Carbohydrates are an essential part of a healthy diet and they have their own functions to perform in a human body. For people doing lot of exercise this is a must as it provides energy. Valuable nutrients can be obtained from carbohydrates, particularly whole grain varieties. People tend to overeat carbohydrates so reducing portion sizes can be beneficial. A high-protein low-carbohydrate diet can be a healthy option.

Its important to choose your protein from healthy sources when opting to follow a high-protein diet and avoid saturated fat. Saturated fats have many negative effects on our body so should be limited in our diets, they increase risk of hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes.

plant based protein sources

A high-protein diet is an effective way to lose weight, but would this plan work for you? A high-protein diet may not be a good option for everyone and has not been proven the best way to lose fat. Its always worth consulting a dietician before starting a new eating plan.

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