7 Natural Remedies for Toothache

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7 Natural Remedies for Toothache

Severe or throbbing pain around a tooth, sensitivity to extremes of temperature, red, swollen gums and bleeding when brushing or flossing are some of the symptoms before this annoying ache appears in your mouth.

Most toothaches are caused by dental decay, gingivitis, (gum disease) or an abscess, often due to poor dental hygiene. If your gums become inflamed and infected they can recede, exposing the root of the tooth. The affected tooth can be sensitive to hot and cold food or liquids and may start throbbing.

Conventional painkillers are not always effective and may have side effects, so you may prefer to try natural remedies instead to deal with the nagging pain of tooth and gum disease while you wait to visit your dentist:

7 Natural Remedies for Toothache

• The traditional way to ease the pain is to dab the painful tooth and the gums surrounding it with some cotton balls soaked in clove oil.
• Alternatively, you can chew on a clove with the affected tooth, biting into it will release the oil.
Chewing a peeled garlic clove may also bring some relief.
• A soothing saltwater mouthwash can be repeated several times a day to fight infection, use one teaspoon salt to one cup hot water.
• Add five drops tincture of myrrh to a small glass of warm water and the use as mouthwash. You can apply a tincture of calendula to swollen gums to ease pain and swelling.
• Rub a little clove or chamomile oil around the affected tooth.
• Try applying pressure to the area between your thumb and index finder for up to a minute.

SOURCE: 1000 home remedies, safe and sensible treatments for everyday aliments, Anova Books, 2011

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