Herbal first aid for minor burns and scalds

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Herbal first aid for minor burns and scalds

Herbal first aid for minor burns and scalds

A burn is an injury to bodily tissue caused by heat, chemicals, electricity, or radiation. Serious burns must always be seen by physician, as an emergency, but minor burns or scalds can be safely treated at home.
Always begin by cooling the burn by letting cool water run over it until the pain has cooled and you can see the extent of the damage. “Wet” burns should be dressed with fabric, like gauze, that can “breathe,” or let air flow freely. Change the dressing regularly, at least once a day.

There are many oils you can apply to a burn to soothe it, lavender essential oil has anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties and promotes healing of tissue. It has been used as an effective first-aid treatment for burns since the early years of the 20th century.

LavenderBudsmLavender oil can be applied directly to the skin, if a large area is affected the oil can be put on sterile gauze or smooth linen first. Tea tree oil may help to prevent blistering of the skin, place one or 2 drops in a teaspoon (5 mL) of water then apply.


An aloe vera plant is an invaluable resource for this situation, just break open one of the leaves and spread the thick gel that seeps out directly on to the burn. If this is done as soon as possible it will promote scar-free healing. Alternatively, an infusion of chamomile or pot marigold can be applied to a burn on a smooth dressing.
Marigold skin salve may be used after some time has elapsed and the skin is beginning to heal, to ease continuing inflammation and soreness.


Edited 8/10/14 SCD

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