If you have been more eager to sleep than have friendly relations lately, your friendly relation drive may need a booster shot!! All you need to do is to add a few key foods to your diet to boost libido and get back in the mood. Here are a few:
- Black Raspberries
This phytochemical-rich food enhances both libido and friendly relation endurance.
Enjoy 10 black raspberries or a tablespoon of seeds a few hours before getting busy.
- Broccoli
They are high in vitamin C, which aids in blood circulation to organs and has also been associated with improved female libido.
- Cloves
In India cloves have been used for treating male-friendly relation dysfunction for centuries, clove extracts produced an increase in the friendly relation activity of normal male rats.
Add a little cumin and cinnamon and you’ve got a tasty, multifaceted aphrodisiac.
- Figs
They’re considered excellent stimulants of fertility and enhance the secretion of pheromones.
- Watermelon
A sweet friendly relation-booster, although it’s 92 % water, that remaining 8% of the fruit is jam-packed with vital nutrients for friendly relation health.
Watermelon has ingredients that deliver Viagra-like effects to the human body’s blood vessels and could even aid in increasing libido, it contains a phytonutrient called citrulline, which the body converts to arginine, an amino acid that boosts nitric oxide levels in the body, which relaxes blood vessels the same way a medicine like Viagra does.
- Eggs
Eggs are high in protein, a potent source for stamina, and they’re low in calories. They’re also a good source of amino acid L-arginine, which has been shown to be effective for treating some types of heart ailments and erectile dysfunction.
- Saffron
Saffron can improve friendly relations performance.
- Lettuce
Iceberg lettuce contains an opiate that helps activate friendly relation hormones.
- Ginger
Ginger helps improve circulation, temperature adjustment, mucoid detoxification, and is also a libido enhancer. Ginger also lends itself as a defense against winter’s hard cold and flu season.
- Oysters
Oysters are one of the best sources of zinc, a mineral found in large proportions in semen. Any zinc deficiency might reduce friendly relation drive or normal ejaculation response. Some other foods high in zinc are seafood, spinach, wheat germ, pork, chicken, beef, lamb, nuts, and chocolate.
From: Home Remedies from a Country Doctor from Jay Heinrichs, Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs, and the editors of Yankee Magazine, 2013.
From: Natural Remedies for Healthy Living, The Readers Digest Association,2011
From: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Healing Remedies, C. Norman Shealy 2002
Edited 8/19/14 SCD