
The Positive Side of Medicine

8 Foods That Assist with Pain Relief

8 foods for pain relief

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Now this is awesome, and something that people request from us quite often. Eight foods that help with pain, what an awesome thing! Tart cherries, olive oil, thyme, ginger, red grapes, even cookies! Most of these foods have anti-inflammatory properties that naturally ease pain, cookies just plain increase your happy level, no wonder I love them so! Consider having a cup of ginger tea at bedtime, maybe with a cookie, relaxing, delicious, and you may have less pain and sleep better. Tart cherry juice is delicious alone or in a smoothie, consider having some before or after your next workout. So here’s to life with less pain, I’ll drink some cherry juice to that! Here they are in a convenient format for you:

8 foods for pain relief 1


Edited 7/31/14 SCD

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