
The Positive Side of Medicine

The Perfect Baked Potato Recipe

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The Perfect Baked Potato Recipe

The Perfect Baked Potato Recipe

There is nothing-simpler thing than baking a potato, I mean, you just throw it in the oven and bake it. But if you want the perfect baked potato it will take a little bit more effort. First of all slice the potato almost all the way through and tuck butter between slices and bake until tender.

baked potato

After it is tender drizzle it with sour cream and pour over it delicious melting cheese, you can make a perfect combination of cheddar and mozzarella, for the perfect taste. Then, bake again until melted and gooey and take out of the oven. Add any topping you like, my personal favorites are chopped scallion and/or crumbled bacon. You can also try chili, salsa, peppers, broccoli, any leftover vegetables, leftover warmed soup; the possibilities are only limited by your imagination!

Talking about butter, it’s the highest source of CLA or Conjugated Linoleic Acid, a short chain fatty acid that inhibits cancer of skin, colon, breast, and lungs. It also contains butyric acid, which has been shown to inhibit growth of mammary tumors. Interestingly, butter does NOT make you fat. Butter is a rich source of short and medium chain fatty acids, which are not deposited to any extent in adipose tissue.

[Last Updated on June 4th 2014]

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