Are you in need of rest and relaxation? Thank God there is a solution for every problem, and this one is an easy one indeed. We often neglect our feet, and they are the ones holding us up for hours each day, they do need your attention.
There are many types of massage for our feet, some which cater to sore bunions, heels, and arches, but the interesting part is that a foot massage is not only a way to relax , it actually provides various health benefits, mainly for your circulation or if you need to relieve stress.
Did you know foot massage can help improve the body’s immune system, and help relieve fatigue? In fact, in China it’s believed that our feet hold the key to overall health.
There are specific places on each foot that release toxins by applying pressure, it also stimulates and calms the nerves. Reflexologists say you can discern the condition of your body’s organs by pressing on the sole of the foot, in fact foot massages can be painful at the beginning, especially if your internal organs are not working their best. It can do wondrous things for your health, so don’t wait any longer and start massaging your feet, if you feel any pain please see a specialist, it will do wonders!