
The Positive Side of Medicine

How to Make a Perfect Smoothie

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How to Make a Perfect Smoothie

how to make a perfect smoothieSmoothie is a smooth combination of fruits and yogurt, and you can have tons of creative ideas when it comes to making a smoothie. Smoothie is a healthy drink and yummy snack and is an excellent source of vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients. By changing the type of milk/yogurt you use in your smoothie you can make it a great source of probiotics. Also you can benefit from smoothies in your weight loss or healthy lifestyle journey. This guide is so useful when it comes to making a perfect smoothie:

Here are some examples of mouthwatering smoothies..Enjoy!

Refresh Strawberry Smoothie

Peach Smoothie

Superfoods Smoothie (Spinach, kale, banana, berries, ginger root, green tea and pomegranate smoothie)

Detox Green Smoothie

Refreshing Mango and Ginger Smoothie

Apple, kale, banana and orange smoothie

And finally you need a good blender for preparing your smoothies:

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