
The Positive Side of Medicine

Sugar Addiction

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Sugar Addiction

Sugar addiction life cycle

This is the truth: We are a society addicted to sugar, and sugar is addictive as much as cocaine is! Even when you try to quit sugar, you’d have withdrawal symptoms! Sugar consumption is increasing every day and it is mind-blowing! Just take a look at the numbers!

“The consumption of sugar will always be an issue for nutritionists and health buffs everywhere. As long as sugar remains a large part of the American diet, we will continue to hear about all the negative effects sugar can have on the body. As someone who is studying nursing, it’ll be important to understand how the overconsumption of sugar may cause many health problems in the future. Many may ask: Is this concern exaggerated? Absolutely not. Sugar is in everything and it has contributed to the growing obesity epidemic in the United States. Since 1990, sugar intake has increased by 40 lbs a year. Is it a coincidence that the obesity rate has increased by 20 percent? As a nurse, you will see many cases in which a reduction of sugar intake could have gone a long way to ensuring less visits to the hospital. It’ll be important as a nurse to educate your patients on why sugar is bad and why they should limit their consumption of sugar. This infographic will show you just how getting your daily sugar fix may be contributing to many short term and long term health issues.”


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